Need to CANCEL/SKIP your scheduled service?

At least 48 business hours’ notice (excluding weekends) is required to cancel and/or skip your scheduled cleaning. We adhere strictly to this policy to prevent lost wages for your cleaning technician.

If a cleaning appointment is canceled less than 48 hours in advance, a 50% rate of service is charged based on the rate of your scheduled service.

Cancellations/skips, in addition to you as the customer canceling/skipping, include:

  • Unable to gain access to enter home

  • Payment failing

  • No running water

  • No electricity


Notice for Recurring Clients:

Cancellations/skips of weekly, bi-weekly and monthly services are subject to an additional fee added to the following cleaning service:

  • Weekly: $20.00

  • Bi-weekly: $40.00

  • Monthly: 50% increase for next monthly clean

Need to RESCHEDULE your service?

We understand life happens and there are times when your date simply won’t work for you. If you wish to reschedule service, your rescheduled date request must be made at least 5 business days before your originally scheduled service.

Reschedules made less than 48 business hours’ notice or booking outside of the 5 business days of the original service date are subject to a 50% rate of service charge.

You must fill out the Reschedule Request Form to request a new date for your originally scheduled service. Unfortunately, we cannot accept reschedules over the phone or email because the probability of those requests getting lost and ultimately not made is much higher than having the form submitted directly to our scheduler through our software system.